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Time to Add Some Fall Color

It’s September, and everyone is thinking fall. In Maryland, we still have many weeks until the first frost — so it’s a great time to add a few fall blooming and fruiting plants to your outdoor décor! Among the best are ornamental peppers. They come in many shapes and sizes and have a color-changing magic that reflects autumn’s changing hues. ‘Hot Pops Purple’ has tiny, berry-like peppers that ripen from rich purple to cheerful orange.

‘Acapulco’ has young purple peppers that become orange and then bright red as they mature.

‘Onyx’ starts as a glossy, black globe that matures to fire-engine red. As an added bonus, ‘Onyx’ has gorgeous dark purple foliage and light purple flowers.

Want something that will last past the first frost? Try ornamental kale, ‘Pidgeon Red’ is featured here. As the weather gets cooler, the colors intensify!