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Meyer Lemon in a Planter!

A Meyer Lemon tree will grow well in a planter and can be taken indoors during cold weather.

Grow a Meyer Lemon on your Patio

A variety of citrus, the Meyer lemon (Citrus x meyeri) has a thin skin and is sweeter than other lemons since it is a cross between a lemon and an orange. The fruit can be used for marmalades, lemonade, and baked goods. This is a good plant for a container, since it can be pruned, growing between 6 to 10 feet tall in the ground. 

A Meyer lemon tree will usually start producing fruit in 4 to 5 years, with lemons ready to pick in the winter. However, Meyer lemon is a hybrid so you can’t grow your own from a seed - purchase a young tree from a reputable grower.

The tree produces flowers at least twice a year but can also set flowers and fruit at the same time. Fertilize in the late spring or early summer when the new flowers are in bloom. Use a 20-10-20 fertilizer. 

In cold regions, before the temperature drops below freezing, bring your plant inside, and place it where it will receive 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. Move it back outside in the late spring. When the plant is inside do not overwater it, or the roots will rot. If the tree becomes stressed it may drop many of its leaves, but a healthy tree will regrow new leaves in a few weeks. 

In the late spring, when the temperature is at least 50°F, the plants can be moved outside so that bees and other insects can pollinate the flowers. The plants are self-pollinating, so you can grow just one. This is a tropical plant so it does not have a dormant period. 

Each year, when you take the tree outside in the spring, check the roots. If they have completely filled the pot, cut them back, repot the plant, water it, and check that the pH is between 6.0 and 7.0. You can check the pH with a pH stick meter. If the pH is below 6.0 you can add some dolomitic limestone, which provides calcium when you water the plant.

Thanks to MacBride and Gill Falcon Ridge Farm in Maryland for the picture and for providing planting and care instructions.