Winter Bulbs: Paperwhite Narcissus
Paperwhite Narcissus
Paperwhite narcissus are among the most popular bulbs to force in the winter. Not only are they quick to produce blooms (2-3 weeks), they also have a lovely fragrance! Narcissus look “clean” and modern growing in a bowl among stones (white rocks, washed gravel, glass beads, etc.) which they prefer to soil. One problem with paperwhites, however, is that they can get leggy and flop over. To prevent that, make sure to start them someplace cool (50 - 60◦ F) with lots of bright, indirect light. Once the buds appear, they can be safely moved to another space for display. No cool, bright place to start them in your house? Read this article about adding alcohol to the water as another way to control growth!